



03/07/2025 03:12 GMT - Julian day 2460741.63


Planetary Positions Right Now

What's happening in the astrological sky today? And what does it mean?

    On this page:

  • Today's Chart Wheel
  • Planetary Positions by Sign, Degree, and Aspect
  • Interpretations of Key Astrological Factors


The following table shows the position of the planets today by sign and degree.


Zodiac : Tropical
N NodePisces27°23' 


How are these ten bodies distributed among the zodiac signs? The following table shows their distribution by gender, mode (Cardinal, Mutable, or Fixed), and element (Fire, Earth, Air, or Water).

masculine 5  fire 2
feminine 5  earth 1
cardinal 3  air 3
fixed 2  water 4
mutable 5  


The following is an aspect table, displaying the aspects forming between the planets at this time.

SunSquareMoon5°39' -11
SunTrineMars0°56' 71
SunSquareJupiter3°59' -35
SunConjunctionSaturn4°38' 90
MoonConjunctionJupiter9°39' 14
MoonTrineLilith5°26' 29
MercuryConjunctionVenus5°23' 194
MercuryConjunctionNeptune5°46' 254
MercurySextilePluto1°43' 118
VenusSextileJupiter2°31' 59
MarsTrineSaturn3°42' 27
SaturnSextileUranus2°22' 74
SaturnConjunctionNeptune7°42' 83
NeptuneSextilePluto4°03' 17
PlutoSquareLilith5°18' -1
  1030 -155 875



The Chart of the Moment:




If someone--or an event--were born at this moment, the corresponding birth chart report is below.


Chart Report

This report shows the positions of the planets for right now.

The planets in the signs

The position of the planets in the Zodiac signs influences the nature of an individual, event, and current affairs.

The Sun is in Pisces

The Intuitive. The twelfth and last sign of the zodiac, Pisces contains within itself some experience of each sign. Able to identify with people from all walks of life and backgrounds. Changeable and adaptable, open-minded, and with tremendous understanding. Misunderstood, not well-defined, mysterious. Divine discontent.

Tuning in to a higher purpose. A deep love for humanity, boundless compassion. Favors the arts, marketing, music, teaching, drama, healing. Enviable gifts of insight and creativity.

Pisces is a sensitive sign--both sensitive to criticism and others' feelings. Easily touched by human suffering, valuing empathy. Escapism, self-delusion, avoiding harsh realities.

Weaknesses: Easily led astray, inability to apply experience practically, lethargy, avoidance.

Key traits: Compassionate and sentimental. Spirit of self-sacrifice. Easily touched. Great kindness.

Qualities to develop for greater balance: stronger boundaries and self-discipline.

Favorable day: Thursday. Numbers: 3 and 7. Color: Sea Green, Lavender. Metal: Tin. Stones: Jade, Coral. Flowers: Water lily, Violet, Orchid.

Jupiter is the traditional ruler of Pisces, and this planet symbolizes reach, possibility, and broader purpose. Neptune is the modern ruler of Pisces. Neptune is the God of the Sea and is considered a planet of inspiration, dreams, psychic receptivity, and illusion.

Pisces is of the element WATER. Water signs are fluid, emotional, and intuitive. Pisces is of the MUTABLE mode. Mutable signs are flexible, adaptable, and changeable. Although they can be inconsistent and lack follow-through, they are ready to make small changes or adjustments to accommodate others.

Parts of the body or anatomy associated with Pisces are the feet and anklebone. The sign is also associated with the pineal gland, appendix, and lymphatic system.

Pisces is the zodiac's twelfth and last sign and is associated with the twelfth house. The symbol for Pisces is the fish.

Lucky days for Pisces are the 7th, 16th, and 25th. Secondary good days are 3rd, 12th, 21st, and 30th. Lucky years are 1969, 1978, 1987, 1996, 2005, 2014, 2023, 2032, and 2041.

The Moon is in Gemini

Pleasant, fun, wit, charm. A time of banter, interesting interchanges, inquiring, information collecting, gossip, and interesting news. Curiosity. Nervousness, restlessness, and worry. Seeking mental stimulation.

Being in two minds about an emotional or domestic matter. The home or personal life always feels like a work-in-progress. Disdain for routine. Feeling unsettled and avoiding complicated emotions. Quickly moving on, from one thing to the next.

Get-togethers, chats, variety, a way with words, cleverness, versatility, adaptability.

Problem areas: Fickleness. Lacking persistence. Putting curiosity and knowing over ethics (difficulty keeping a secret). Snooping. Snappiness, moodiness.

Sharp intellect, appreciation of words and literature, adapting to all situations and social groups.

Lessons: Listening, considering many angles, and valuing the power of words and communication.

The Moon in Gemini generally favors the following activities: Mental and communicative actions, more than one activity at once., reading, learning, letters and emails, errands, writing, teaching, making connections, and short trips.

Mercury is in Aries

The Straightforward. Quick decisions, streamlined learning, direct and straightforward in speech, possesses an innocent charm, and can easily motivate others through enthusiasm. Enjoying a heated dispute. Lively mind that quickly understands a given situation. Resourceful and capable. Preferring to jump into a decision and having little patience for pretense.

Venus is in Aries

The Initiator. Up-front, direct charm. Quick passions. Fun-loving, enthusiastic, attracted to energy and activity. Disliking vagueness. Lacking in sustained interest. Enjoying the chase, sparks, and excitement.

Taking the lead in love or with trends, pleasures, and entertainment. Social leader.

Impulsive purchases, quick and passing fads, ardent, spontaneous, and charming with a direct and straightforward approach.

Mars is in Cancer

The Tenacious. Strong and tenacious. Protective and healing nature. Passive-aggressiveness. Avoiding confrontations, needing to feel secure before taking action. Preferring to handle situations peacefully and humanely. Living by the motto, "The best offense is a good defense." Sometimes manipulative. Defensive reactions and bursts of emotional displays when feeling cornered.

Dependable in the long haul. Highly intuitive with strong instincts. Taking action to maintain comfort and safety. Fiercely protective. Personal and domestic goals are prioritized.

Jupiter is in Gemini

The Versatile. Attracting good fortune through wit and ingeniousness. Versatility, sociability, curiosity, and putting people at ease with friendliness and sincere curiosity. Valuing the intellect, communication, and contact. Seeing opportunities to grow and succeed through intellectual, verbal, and written channels. Belief that intelligence and knowledge are vital to solving problems and improvement/growth.

Possible pitfalls: Overstimulation with superficial information and skimming the surface of issues; unwillingness to go deep in an attempt to preserve happiness.

Enjoying: herding, gathering, fact-finding, dabbling, gadgets, puzzles, tinkering, clarifying, and informing.

Saturn is in Pisces

Reclusive, with sullen humor. Liking solitude, contemplation, and working alone.

Testing faith. Fear of being vulnerable. A time for turning a critical eye to (and gaining a new perspective on) our dreams, mental health systems, and sense of compassion and empathy.

Watch for: avoiding scrutiny at all costs, which can lead to missed opportunities. Persistent or formidable enemies.

Uranus is in Taurus

New ways to approach money, personal possessions, personal comfort, sensuality, food, self-love, body love, and pampering. Nontraditional approach to these matters. Progressive ideas in business. Ups and downs with money, things.

Neptune is in Pisces

Religion, spirituality, the arts, and fantasy dominate, but they're also subject to confusion, lack of definition, and misunderstanding. Passivity. Mass confusion. Blurring boundaries. Looking within, valuing compassion, de-emphasizing the material world, dissolution. The belief that the key to nirvana is through increased acceptance and breaking down walls/boundaries.

Pluto is in Aquarius

A major reform of social structures, politics, friendships, and networks. Intensity and drama in these areas. An overhaul through science, inventions, and the mind or ideas.

Interplanetary aspects

The interplanetary aspects strongly influence the character and disposition of an individual or event and, consequently, its destiny.

The conjunction aspect is variable and depends, above all, on the nature of the conjoined planets.

254 Conjunction Mercury - Neptune

The Imaginative. Mental imagery. Inspiration. Creative intelligence. Quickly and naturally understands.

Ability to verbalize what the imagination and intuition dictate: interpreting dreams, symbols, and hidden meanings. Sensing trends, intuiting the next step. Interesting, odd, and varied daily experiences. Non-linear thinking.

Applying imagination to daily affairs and interests. Suitable fields include journalism, teaching, writing, design, and social welfare. Distractable. Dreamy. Idealism.

Resisting hard/strict answers and definitions. Disliking being labeled, labeling things, black-or-white statements, and hard boundaries. Intuitive insight. Thoughtful, contemplative. Using knowledge to help, heal, and assist others. Relating to one another kindly, freely, and understandingly.

Relatable communications: ability to describe or give words to concepts or otherwordly ideas. Enchanting words and descriptions. Descriptive. Poetic. Fantasy, imagination, and science fiction are appealing.

Delicate words. Keeping secrets; discreet. Impressionable. Following hunches. Perceives with all the senses, paying special attention to nuance. A desire to articulate concepts, beauty, and wonder. A strong memory for moments more than facts. Great storyteller and collector of information. A time to interpret, delight, and entertain.

194 Conjunction Mercury - Venus

Looking at the bright side of life, agreeable, optimistic, sociable. Enjoying speaking and writing, communicating with charm and artistry. Intellectual pleasures are strongly influenced by sentiments. Amorous.

118 Sextile Mercury - Pluto

The Astute. Incredibly perceptive and resourceful. Ability to focus, concentrate, diagnose, and discern intelligently. Great sense of observation, quickly grasping the situation. Crafty, subtle, and critical.

A successful investigation, solving a mystery, research. Probing the psyche, getting to the bottom line. Financial savvy. Understanding. Not content with superficial explanations. "All or nothing" approach to learning and specific topics. Persuasion. The spy or psychologist.

-108 Square Moon - Saturn

Mistrust. Fear leads to rigidity and interferes with enjoyment. Doubts. Expecting difficulties or negative situations can perpetuate problems. Strong defense mechanisms. Feeling neglected. Reserved, expressionless.

90 Conjunction Sun - Saturn

It's easy and natural to accept responsibilities, lead an orderly life, and apply caution with financial and business dealings. Unlikely to jump to conclusions or take uneducated risks. Possessing patience and self-discipline when motivated to slowly but surely achieve goals. Undemonstrative, loyal, responsible. Thoroughness, taking the necessary time, step-by-step approach. Innately trustworthy. Respectful and offering respect.

Preferring safe, secure paths. Fair leader. A realistic view of the self. Sound judgment, down to earth. A time of equilibrium when it's natural to channel energies to achieve success, organize, and plan. A time to be hard-working and supportive of others.

83 Conjunction Saturn - Neptune

Realizing plans in a methodical fashion. Working hard to achieve success. Assistance to the downtrodden or underdog. Reform. Correcting misinformation.

74 Sextile Saturn - Uranus

Instinctively knowing how to be on top of a situation. Persevering and determined but ingenious and original. Highly practical. Proceeding slowly but always bound to achieve objectives ultimately. Unusual traditions or new ways to discipline; quiet revolutions and breakthroughs.

71 Trine Sun - Mars

Enterprise and Initiative. Powerful stores of energy. Responding to problems or challenges with spirited and enthusiastic confidence. A talent for promotion. Direct and straightforward. Naturally competitive in an unforced and sincere manner. Belief in fair play. In love with life. Courageous. Taking the lead. Good physical vitality. Competitive but not naturally combative. Ability to control aggressions or impulses.

59 Sextile Venus - Jupiter

Generosity, good-heartedness, sense of humor. Enjoying the good life. Good fortune. Belief in the basic goodness of people and life. Spreading joy and happiness. Prosperity, kindness. A time to seek comfort, smoothness, and successful connections. Naturally attracting money or abundance. Warmth. Easy to fall in love, successful relationships, good investments. Material success improves with a union.

-35 Square Sun - Jupiter

Overdoing things, glossing over realistic details, overindulging, promising too much. Excessive behavior. Living beyond means. Intense highs when excessively optimistic. Problem with follow-through and self-control. Restless exuberance, seeking freedom, open spaces. Taking talents for granted. Generous, helpful, and charitable.

Opinionated but lacking the facts or proof to back it up. Unnecessarily attracting opposition or clashes. A time of attraction to big plans and schemes, but not an ideal time for over-the-top endeavors.

29 Trine Moon - Lilith

Charm, intrigue, and intelligence. Emotions are big, dark, and mysterious.

27 Trine Mars - Saturn

The Builder. The workhorse. A survivalist. Reliability. Determined, resourceful, and disciplined. Having strength and resistance, ability and patience. Tough and somewhat strict or insensitive. Pouring energy and talents into overcoming obstacles. Persistent, enduring, obstinate, calculating, planning, and considering all possible consequences. Not necessarily popular, but respected.

Well-laid plans. Shrewd. Powerful resistance. Serious when working; workaholic tendencies. After a setback, getting right back up again and carrying on. Slow but steady success. Tempered enthusiasm. Seeking balance. Taking time without losing patience to achieve objectives. Conserving energy for priorities.

17 Sextile Neptune - Pluto

Ability to see the layers of a situation. Intrigued by what makes things work, motivations.

14 Conjunction Moon - Jupiter

Emotionally upbeat, particular enjoyment of friends, family, social life, sharing, and exchanges. Legal, real estate, educational, publishing, or travel matters proceed smoothly. Public relations, popularity, approval. A favorable, brief period for achievement and recognition, learning, teaching, taking exams, publishing, and promotion. Pleasant composure, optimistic. Gaining perspective on emotional matters. Broad-mindedness, seeing the bright side/humor, especially in the mundane. Faith in the basic goodness of people and life. Tolerance, fairness, seeking the truth.

-11 Square Sun - Moon

A struggle between needs and wants. Difficulties being objective. Feeling torn. Disagreement or conflict. Obstacles to fulfillment, but a great will to overcome them.

-1 Square Pluto - Lilith

Experiences that take one to the darker places in the soul. Learning valuable lessons about power and attachments. Complicated power dynamics, scandals, volatility. Troubled mind. A time to try to channel passions constructively rather than let them implode at inconvenient times. Picking up too much on the radar, reading too much into a situation.


Here, you'll find the current planet signs and core aspects. Taken together, they can help describe the fundamental energies of the moment.

This report features more succinct text than the general natal chart report, designed to apply not only to people born at a specific time, but also to current events and electing activities or new beginnings.


While the chart and planetary positions on this page are for today's transits, you can create birth charts for yourself or the people in your life here:


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