



04/27/2024 09:28 GMT - Julian day 2460427.89


Planetary Positions Right Now

What's happening in the astrological sky today? And what does it mean?

    On this page:

  • Today's Chart Wheel
  • Planetary Positions by Sign, Degree, and Aspect
  • Interpretations of Key Astrological Factors


The following table shows the position of the planets today by sign and degree.


Zodiac : Tropical
N NodeAries15°41' 


How are these ten bodies distributed among the zodiac signs? The following table shows their distribution by gender, mode (Cardinal, Mutable, or Fixed), and element (Fire, Earth, Air, or Water).

masculine 4  fire 3
feminine 6  earth 3
cardinal 2  air 1
fixed 4  water 3
mutable 4  


The following is an aspect table, displaying the aspects forming between the planets at this time.

SunSquarePluto5°22' -12
MoonTrineMercury0°45' 154
VenusSquarePluto4°48' -11
MarsSextileJupiter4°13' 34
MarsConjunctionNeptune1°21' 416
MarsSextilePluto4°44' 7
MarsOppositionLilith4°34' -59
JupiterConjunctionUranus1°06' 285
JupiterTrineLilith0°21' 48
SaturnOppositionLilith6°37' -21
UranusTrineLilith0°45' 27
NeptuneSextilePluto3°24' 29
NeptuneOppositionLilith5°55' -21
  1000 -242 758



The Chart of the Moment:




If someone--or an event--were born at this moment, the corresponding birth chart report is below.


Chart Report

This report shows the positions of the planets for right now.

The planets in the signs

The position of the planets in the Zodiac signs influences the nature of an individual, event, and current affairs.

The Sun is in Taurus

The Steady. Seeking predictability and harmony. Solid and substantial. Dependable, habitual, reliable. Enjoying sensual pleasures, pleasant aromas, comfort, and secure or familiar surroundings.

Hard working, well-paced, slow, plodding, and steady effort. Security is fundamental and a driving force.

Fixed and comfort-loving nature, easily separating work and leisure. Rooted and stubborn. Sticking with things and tradition.

Possessiveness, ownership. Liking the good things in life. Patience and common sense.

Weaknesses: Obstinacy, self-centeredness, materialism.

Key traits: Strong-willed, natural, unaffected, persevering, stable, charming, tolerant, practical.

Qualities to develop for greater balance: Flexibility, inventiveness, willingness to go deep, and detachment.

Favorable day: Friday. Number: 6. Color: Green. Metal: Copper. Stones: Emerald, Rose Quartz. Flowers: Rose, Poppy.

Venus is the ruler of Taurus, and through Venus, we learn about our tastes, pleasures, artistic inclinations, love life, money matters, and what makes us happy. Taurus has the peace-loving, sensual, pleasure-seeking qualities of its ruler, Venus.

Taurus is of the element EARTH. With Earth, there is steadiness, earthiness, practicality, and reliability. Taurus is of the FIXED mode. Fixed signs are loyal, steadfast, and stubborn. They tend to resist change, and they have excellent follow-through.

Parts of the body or anatomy associated with Taurus are the neck and throat. Health issues associated with Taurus can be about accumulation and retention and revolve around the neck, throat, tonsils, and thyroid.

Taurus is the zodiac's second sign and is associated with the second house. The symbol for Taurus is the bull.

Lucky days for Taurus are 6, 15, and 24. Lucky years include 1977, 1986, 1995, 2004, 2013, 2022, 2031, and 2040.

The Moon is in Sagittarius

Striving for personal freedom and space, happiness, truth, activity. Meeting new people and learning new things are emotionally refreshing. Open spaces, bright and roomy home and personal environment appeal.

Helpfulness, forgetfulness, cheerfulness, optimism. A need for escape, flight. Spontaneity. Even with well-laid plans, Moon in Sagittarius prefers to wing it. A change of plans, a change of scenery.

Agile, enthusiastic, impractical. Determined to know. This is a time to see the big picture or to shoot a little higher.

Lessons: put faith in intuition, life, the world.

Mercury is in Aries

The Straightforward. Quick decisions, streamlined learning, direct and straightforward in speech, possesses an innocent charm, and can easily motivate others through enthusiasm. Enjoying a heated dispute. Lively mind that quickly understands a given situation. Resourceful and capable. Preferring to jump into a decision and having little patience for pretense.

Venus is in Aries

The Initiator. Up-front, direct charm. Quick passions. Fun-loving, enthusiastic, attracted to energy and activity. Disliking vagueness. Lacking in sustained interest. Enjoying the chase, sparks, and excitement.

Taking the lead in love or with trends, pleasures, and entertainment. Social leader.

Impulsive purchases, quick and passing fads, ardent, spontaneous, and charming with a direct and straightforward approach.

Mars is in Pisces

The Idealist. Mild-tempered, gentle, indirect, withdrawn, and subtle. Mars is the planet of action and assertion, and Pisces is a passive sign that doesn't assert itself in a direct fashion. Going with the flow. Letting life "happen" instead of trying to over-manage or control its direction. Wrestling with guilt about anger. Charming, innocent aura.

Playing games or taking a convoluted path to achieve desires. Meandering. Changeable, moody desires. Preferring not to lock things down, structure too much, or define things too narrowly. Leaving things open. A mission of compassion and love. Energy levels fluctuate, coming in bursts of activity followed by inertia. Because it can be difficult to align this ebbing and flowing of energy in the day-to-day world as it is, finding a job that supports this may be tough. Creative and imaginative expression of desires, anger, and opinions.

Energized by empathy, hidden things, interconnectivity, the universal, layers, and sentimentality. Refusing to walk over others to achieve. Complicated plans and paths. A rich fantasy life; an animated inner and dreaming world. A great love of the underdog. Gaining strength or energy through support and self-sacrifice. Retreats, vacations, medicine, health care, photography, art, dance. Intense, unpredictable moods and feelings.

Jupiter is in Taurus

The Builder. Being charitable, generous but discriminating, and patient can attract good fortune. Good-humored. Delighting in sensual pleasures, luxuries, and wanting the good life. A great love of the earth, nature. Accumulating and building. Above all else, seeking comfort, security, harmony, and well-being. Valuing steadiness, persistence, longevity, predictability, naturalness, self-willed efforts, and determination.

Possible pitfalls: Over-indulgence, sensation-focused, over-valuing the material world, big spending, resisting innovation.

Opportunities result from strong instincts for business and long-term value. Good fortune or experiences surrounding money, gifts, and personal possessions. Preferring products/services that are earthy, practical, timeless, natural, and high-quality. Focusing on steadiness, regularity, and rhythm or balance is fortifying.

Saturn is in Pisces

Reclusive, with sullen humor. Liking solitude, contemplation, and working alone.

Testing faith. Fear of being vulnerable. A time for turning a critical eye to (and gaining a new perspective on) our dreams, mental health systems, and sense of compassion and empathy.

Watch for: avoiding scrutiny at all costs, which can lead to missed opportunities. Persistent or formidable enemies.

Uranus is in Taurus

New ways to approach money, personal possessions, personal comfort, sensuality, food, self-love, body love, and pampering. Nontraditional approach to these matters. Progressive ideas in business. Ups and downs with money, things.

Neptune is in Pisces

Religion, spirituality, the arts, and fantasy dominate, but they're also subject to confusion, lack of definition, and misunderstanding. Passivity. Mass confusion. Blurring boundaries. Looking within, valuing compassion, de-emphasizing the material world, dissolution. The belief that the key to nirvana is through increased acceptance and breaking down walls/boundaries.

Pluto is in Aquarius

A major reform of social structures, politics, friendships, and networks. Intensity and drama in these areas. An overhaul through science, inventions, and the mind or ideas.

Interplanetary aspects

The interplanetary aspects strongly influence the character and disposition of an individual or event and, consequently, its destiny.

The conjunction aspect is variable and depends, above all, on the nature of the conjoined planets.

416 Conjunction Mars - Neptune

Strong wisdom, intuition, and instinct that's geared toward the ideal. Gravitating to odd people and situations. A gentle approach to pursuing desires. Having a higher mission, feeling extraordinary or exceptional.

Needing inspiration as motivation to push ahead. Will not step on others to achieve. Helpful, magnetic, clairvoyant, psychic healing, able to keep motives or desires hidden. Putting dreams and ideals into action or practice. A higher cause.

285 Conjunction Jupiter - Uranus

The Visionary. Quick to size things up, accurate instincts. Craving knowledge, independence, and freedom of action. A non-conformist. Interesting and in demand. Unexpected good fortune and lucky opportunities. Sincerity and openness. Unconventional ideas, beliefs, worldview, and opinions. Prophetic.

154 Trine Moon - Mercury

Expressiveness, animated communications. Memory is strong, observant, picking up a lot of information from the environment. Exchanging ideas. Stories from/of the past. Sharing details of the day. Curious, interested, love of variety, ease of communication. Accommodating. Avoiding heavy emotional matter or demands. Loves to know, light gossip, interesting news. Sense of humor, playful, versatile, fun. Imaginative mental pursuits.

In business, a good influence for negotiation, trading, and communications. Successful communication with youth. A time of a light heart-to-heart, sharing common interests. Favorable for public speaking and presenting ideas with flair. A good time to take tests, do interviews, retain information, memorize, study, and promote, if other factors agree.

-118 Square Moon - Saturn

Mistrust. Fear leads to rigidity and interferes with enjoyment. Doubts. Expecting difficulties or negative situations can perpetuate problems. Strong defense mechanisms. Feeling neglected. Reserved, expressionless.

-59 Opposition Mars - Lilith

48 Trine Jupiter - Lilith

Great understanding. Outstanding resilience. Rising above pettiness. An ability to help heal and give people breathing room. Independent. A master problem solver.

34 Sextile Mars - Jupiter

A good sense of organization, jovial, frank, and sincere. Full of dynamism and abundant energy. Loving life and taking in all it has to offer. Sports and outdoor life. Successful professionally and emotionally. Competitive. Fertile.

Honest and forthright in dealings with others. Giving the benefit of the doubt first until proven otherwise. Eternally optimistic that there will always be plenty around. The possibility of failure does not enter the mind, although success itself is not always the priority.

A leader, self-confident, loyal, motivating and motivated, proud, protective, just, having faith, bold, physical, active. Travel, politics, sports. Strong initiative, exuberance, dynamism, drive, energy, and innovation. Getting out or away.

29 Sextile Neptune - Pluto

Ability to see the layers of a situation. Intrigued by what makes things work, motivations.

27 Trine Uranus - Lilith

Experimenting, trying new things, without much follow-up. Breaking free, liberation, freedom from limiting thoughts or habits.

-21 Opposition Saturn - Lilith

Inflexibility, fear of loss of control or of being in the dark on a matter, perfectionism.

-21 Opposition Neptune - Lilith

Love dominates her life. She could lose her head over someone to whom there's an intense attraction, which can become troublesome, because she loses all idea of reality. If she is not loved in return, so what - she will love for the two of them. With time, if the loved one loses patience, she will have difficulty disentangling herself and she can suffer enormously. It's best to look to a trusted outside source for guidance in vulnerable times.

-12 Square Sun - Pluto

Hidden things come to light: opponents, enemies, resentments, desires, ambitions. Tension, suspicion, destructive or self-destructive behavior. Fear of being blindsided or not "in the know." Power needs controlling, managing, and understanding. Dissatisfaction with accomplishments, self, current state, self-expression. Desire to control things.

A persistent impulse to renovate, redo, reform, reinvent. Fear of being taken off guard. Struggles with people or situations reveal inner issues with power and unmask hidden ambitions and desires.

The desire for a mission/purpose/power/greatness can be overdone and lead to problems. Assertiveness leads to controversy and strong reactions. Provocative.

-11 Square Venus - Pluto

Attempting to control the outcome of a love relationship, others' feelings, or a social situation. Manipulation, intense or extreme feelings and attachments. Fear-driven behavior. Attracting intensity, love-hate scenarios. Applying pressure, making demands, accusing or suspicious. Projecting. Meeting one's "darker" side or inner demons through relationships. Overattachment, dwelling, inability to let things go, connecting with unsavory characters. Feeling tied up with difficult people or situations. Financial changes, turnarounds. Large payments or debts.

7 Sextile Mars - Pluto

A great capacity for work and effort, ambition, confidence, determination, going all the way with plans.

Passionate, committed, all or nothing, dislikes things done halfway or half-heartedly. Decisive, unwavering when committed, fascinating, magnetic, commanding, and somewhat intimidating.

Great strategy, resourcefulness, transformative and regenerative powers. Excellent in crisis, unfazed, great courage, intensity.


Here, you'll find the current planet signs and core aspects. Taken together, they can help describe the fundamental energies of the moment.

This report features more succinct text than the general natal chart report, designed to apply not only to people born at a specific time, but also to current events and electing activities or new beginnings.


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