01/22/2025 04:29 GMT - Julian day 2460697.69
Planetary Positions Right Now
What's happening in the astrological sky today? And what does it mean?
- Today's Chart Wheel
- Planetary Positions by Sign, Degree, and Aspect
- Interpretations of Key Astrological Factors
On this page:
The following table shows the position of the planets today by sign and degree.
Zodiac : Tropical | |||||
Sun | Aquarius | 2°24' | |||
Moon | Scorpio | 5°59' | |||
Mercury | Capricorn | 20°34' | |||
Venus | Pisces | 19°01' | |||
Mars | Cancer | 23°49' | R | ||
Jupiter | Gemini | 11°34' | R | ||
Saturn | Pisces | 16°24' | |||
Uranus | Taurus | 23°18' | R | ||
Neptune | Pisces | 27°44' | |||
Pluto | Aquarius | 1°53' | |||
Lilith | Libra | 22°59' | |||
N Node | Pisces | 29°02' |
How are these ten bodies distributed among the zodiac signs? The following table shows their distribution by gender, mode (Cardinal, Mutable, or Fixed), and element (Fire, Earth, Air, or Water).
masculine | 3 | fire | 0 | |
feminine | 7 | earth | 2 | |
cardinal | 2 | air | 3 | |
fixed | 4 | water | 5 | |
mutable | 4 |
The following is an aspect table, displaying the aspects forming between the planets at this time.
Planet | Aspect | Planet | Orb | Value | |||
Sun | Square | Moon | 3°36' | -27 | |||
Sun | Opposition | Mars | 8°35' | -5 | |||
Sun | Sextile | Neptune | 4°40' | 17 | |||
Sun | Conjunction | Pluto | 0°31' | 292 | |||
Moon | Square | Pluto | 4°07' | -16 | |||
Mercury | Sextile | Venus | 1°33' | 269 | |||
Mercury | Opposition | Mars | 3°15' | -90 | |||
Mercury | Sextile | Saturn | 4°10' | 40 | |||
Mercury | Trine | Uranus | 2°44' | 73 | |||
Mercury | Square | Lilith | 2°26' | -48 | |||
Venus | Trine | Mars | 4°48' | 34 | |||
Venus | Conjunction | Saturn | 2°37' | 422 | |||
Venus | Sextile | Uranus | 4°17' | 37 | |||
Venus | Conjunction | Neptune | 8°43' | 90 | |||
Mars | Trine | Saturn | 7°25' | 4 | |||
Mars | Sextile | Uranus | 0°31' | 81 | |||
Mars | Trine | Neptune | 3°55' | 31 | |||
Mars | Opposition | Pluto | 8°05' | -7 | |||
Mars | Square | Lilith | 0°49' | -26 | |||
Jupiter | Square | Saturn | 4°50' | -12 | |||
Uranus | Sextile | Neptune | 4°26' | 17 | |||
Neptune | Sextile | Pluto | 4°09' | 15 | |||
1422 | -231 | 1191 |
The Chart of the Moment:
If someone--or an event--were born at this moment, the corresponding birth chart report is below.
Chart Report
This report shows the positions of the planets for right now.The planets in the signs
The position of the planets in the Zodiac signs influences the nature of an individual, event, and current affairs.The Sun is in Aquarius
The Unique. Principled. A reformer. Sincere. Unwillingness to follow the beaten track. Focusing on advancement and progress, irreverence to old and outdated patterns of thought and action, and aiming to be free of personal and social conditioning. Open to change but temperamentally stubborn. Strongly idealistic. Despising hypocrisy.A reasoner. Aloof and even standoffish but well-liked. Curious, observant, and tolerant. A strong dislike of prejudice and bias. Clever, witty, and intellectual.
Valuing progress, personal freedom, friendship, equality, and frankness. Needing space. Resistance to being labeled or boxed in. Equality and fairness. Quirky, different, unusual, original. A rebellious and revolutionary spirit.
Weaknesses: Reactive and rebellious, opinionated.
Keywords: Non-conformist, individualistic, charitable, dignified, independent, humanitarian, inventive, original, eccentric, intellectual, idealistic, cool, friendly, and detached
Qualities to develop for greater balance: warmth, intimacy.
Favorable day: Saturday. Number: 4 (its secondary number is 8). Color: Electric Blue, Ultramarine. Metal: Uranium. Stones: Amethyst, Garnet. Flowers: Orchid, Gladiolus.
Saturn is the traditional ruler of Aquarius, and this planet brings structure, definition, and meaning to our world. It reminds us of our boundaries, our responsibilities, and our commitments. Uranus is the modern ruler of Aquarius, and it brings enlightenment, progressiveness, objectivity, novelty, and ingenuity. Uranus represents the spark of intuition that spurs invention.
Aquarius is of the element AIR. Air signs are intellectual, detached, and fair-minded. Aquarius is of the FIXED mode. Fixed signs seek stability and can be committed, focused, and resilient. They can also be quite stubborn and resistant to change.
Parts of the body or anatomy associated with Aquarius are the calves and ankles.
Aquarius is the eleventh sign of the zodiac and is also associated with the eleventh house. The symbol for Aquarius is the Water Bearer.
Lucky days for Aquarius are the 4th, 13th, 22nd, and 31st. Lucky years are 1966, 1975, 1984, 1993, 2002, 2011, 2020, 2029, 2038, and 2047.
The Moon is in Scorpio
Emotional intensity. Digging into the world of emotion, seeing beyond facades, and cutting right to the core. An ability to "see" what isn't obvious to the rest of the world.Selective. Holding on to things/feelings. Determined, passionate, and proud, not afraid to go against the grain. Competent under pressure.
A need for transformation and rebirth. Emotional upheaval, dramatic ups and downs. All or nothing attitude. Fear of betrayal. Suspicion. Loyalty, protectiveness, emotional presence. Controlling and mastering emotions, intimidating.
Unfazed, courageous. Understanding human nature and motivation. Intelligent and astute. Connected with surgeons, healers, accountants, researchers, mining, chemistry, detective work and investigation, managing others' resources and talents.
Potential problems: Difficulty letting go, dwelling, brooding, manipulative tactics, jealousy.
A time for accounting, intimacy issues, psychological examinations, research, self-examination, strategizing, and finding or recycling old things. It can be an intimate and passionate time.
Mercury is in Capricorn
The Realist. Level-headed. Planning for and considering the future. Comparmentalizing impressions. Building a good reputation. An appreciation for structure and order. Learning is best when the practical uses of information are apparent and information is clear, plain, and literal. Methodical studying.Resourceful, reflective, deep thinker. A fine mind. Conventional studies. Rational. Can be pessimistic, skeptical, and sarcastic. A sharp sense of humor. Noticing everything. A sound teacher.
Venus is in Pisces
The Gracious. Dreamy, soft-hearted, elusive charm. Empathetic, merciful. Sweetly playful, a little moody and irregular. Appreciation of nuance, romance, poetry. Hard to pin down and can't be rushed--intuition is key. Unintentional irresponsibility due to avoidance or dislike of confrontation. Strives toward unconditional love. Unimpressed by status. Love of the underdog and wayward folk or those in need of a little help. Devotional, seducible, self-sacrificing.Romantic view of the world. Could take the role of saving someone or being saved. Feels misunderstood and could romanticize this state. Strongly receptive and open to possibilities, leading to noncommital tendencies. Accepting, understanding.
Mars is in Cancer
The Tenacious. Strong and tenacious. Protective and healing nature. Passive-aggressiveness. Avoiding confrontations, needing to feel secure before taking action. Preferring to handle situations peacefully and humanely. Living by the motto, "The best offense is a good defense." Sometimes manipulative. Defensive reactions and bursts of emotional displays when feeling cornered.Dependable in the long haul. Highly intuitive with strong instincts. Taking action to maintain comfort and safety. Fiercely protective. Personal and domestic goals are prioritized.
Jupiter is in Gemini
The Versatile. Attracting good fortune through wit and ingeniousness. Versatility, sociability, curiosity, and putting people at ease with friendliness and sincere curiosity. Valuing the intellect, communication, and contact. Seeing opportunities to grow and succeed through intellectual, verbal, and written channels. Belief that intelligence and knowledge are vital to solving problems and improvement/growth.Possible pitfalls: Overstimulation with superficial information and skimming the surface of issues; unwillingness to go deep in an attempt to preserve happiness.
Enjoying: herding, gathering, fact-finding, dabbling, gadgets, puzzles, tinkering, clarifying, and informing.
Saturn is in Pisces
Reclusive, with sullen humor. Liking solitude, contemplation, and working alone.Testing faith. Fear of being vulnerable. A time for turning a critical eye to (and gaining a new perspective on) our dreams, mental health systems, and sense of compassion and empathy.
Watch for: avoiding scrutiny at all costs, which can lead to missed opportunities. Persistent or formidable enemies.
Uranus is in Taurus
New ways to approach money, personal possessions, personal comfort, sensuality, food, self-love, body love, and pampering. Nontraditional approach to these matters. Progressive ideas in business. Ups and downs with money, things.Neptune is in Pisces
Religion, spirituality, the arts, and fantasy dominate, but they're also subject to confusion, lack of definition, and misunderstanding. Passivity. Mass confusion. Blurring boundaries. Looking within, valuing compassion, de-emphasizing the material world, dissolution. The belief that the key to nirvana is through increased acceptance and breaking down walls/boundaries.Pluto is in Aquarius
A major reform of social structures, politics, friendships, and networks. Intensity and drama in these areas. An overhaul through science, inventions, and the mind or ideas.Interplanetary aspects
The interplanetary aspects strongly influence the character and disposition of an individual or event and, consequently, its destiny.The conjunction aspect is variable and depends, above all, on the nature of the conjoined planets.
422 Conjunction Venus - Saturn
The Steadfast and Loyal. Appreciating simplicity, goodness. Enjoying being responsible; having a good grasp of reality and duty. Thrifty, reserved, humble, and not inclined to show off. Valuing truth, loyalty, and justice. Sentiments are cautious but sincere in love. Faithful in love and friendship. Attracted to maturity and stability. Appreciates intelligence and good sense. Going the distance, committing.
292 Conjunction Sun - Pluto
Intensity and passion. What's hidden comes to light, gently. Finding a passion and pursuing it and focusing on a goal. Enjoying and embracing growth, especially of the psychological kind. Enjoying a good mystery and adept at solving it. Recognizing symbols and reading between the lines. Physical vitality, healing power. Sharp, awe-inspiring insight. Perceptive, not easily rattled or surprised. Unafraid of the darker recesses of the psyche. Will bend the rules sometimes.
Feeling empowered through growth/overcoming challenges. Not fond of superficiality, easily spotting pretense. Hungry to experience more than just an "ordinary" life, ambitious. Demanding.
269 Sextile Mercury - Venus
Looking at the bright side of life, agreeable, optimistic, sociable. Enjoying speaking and writing, communicating with charm and artistry. Intellectual pleasures are strongly influenced by sentiments. Amorous.
-90 Opposition Mercury - Mars
Jumping to conclusions. On edge, lively, cunning. Acting without foresight, exaggeration, nervousness, quick on the trigger, easy to anger. Arguments. Quick to debate or challenge, but also to lose interest. Quick-minded.
90 Conjunction Venus - Neptune
A strong taste for the arts, dreamy, easily influenced, and romantic. Gentle, sensitive, refined, some naivety. Deeply kind and caring. Creative, adaptable, naturally expressing the finer qualities of mysterious and dreamy Neptune in relationships. Bringing out the best in others and situations through positive expectations.
Rich imagination and a well-developed fantasy world. High ideals. Will not step over others to achieve. Turned off by coarseness, rudeness, and crudeness. Drawn to beauty in its many forms. Submissive, passive, failing to take the initiative when situations call for it.
81 Sextile Mars - Uranus
Impulsive and bold. Taking risks, daring to be different. Insistence on freedom of action. Progressive and courageous. Innovation. Surprises and erratic behavior.
73 Trine Mercury - Uranus
Sharp, ingenious, binding intelligence and originality together. Enjoying literature, debate, and science. Spontaneous friendships. Original ideas and unique views. Intellectual freedom. Self-directed, non-linear learning, skirts routine. Intuition is quick and accurate.
-48 Square Mercury - Lilith
Provocative with words. Difficulties detaching when discussing or analyzing emotional topics. Insisting on being right causes interpersonal problems. Jumping too quickly to negative conclusions.
40 Sextile Mercury - Saturn
The Serious Mind. Technical competence. Mentally organized; able to study, focus, take things seriously, and concentrate. Having the patience to work towards a goal slowly but surely. Taking time to get communications "just so" and preferring step-by-step directions. Respecting tradition and rules. Precise, reasonable, mature thinking. A keen mind for details and facts.
37 Sextile Venus - Uranus
Independence or freedom in love, unusual pleasures, non-traditional pastimes or relationships. Appealing, attractive, open to new things. Somewhat detached or unpredictable.
The ability to get along with--and accept--people from all walks of life as friends. Long-distance romances.
Unusual, successful methods of business. Progressive, outside-of-the-box ventures, pleasures. Finding novel ways to harmonize, beautify, cooperate, and thrive.
34 Trine Venus - Mars
Amorousness, passion, demonstrativeness, healthy and hearty pleasures. Friendly competition. A good time to flirt, get together, create, and compete. Powerful magnetism and attractiveness.
Exciting yet comfortable interactions, physical attractions. Vital and strong rapport. Profitable decisions. Personal approach to sales.
31 Trine Mars - Neptune
Strong wisdom, intuition, and instinct that's geared toward the ideal. Gravitating to odd people and situations. A gentle approach to pursuing desires. Having a higher mission, feeling extraordinary or exceptional.
Needing inspiration as motivation to push ahead. Will not step on others to achieve. Helpful, magnetic, clairvoyant, psychic healing, able to keep motives or desires hidden. Putting dreams and ideals into action or practice. A higher cause.
-27 Square Sun - Moon
A struggle between needs and wants. Difficulties being objective. Feeling torn. Disagreement or conflict. Obstacles to fulfillment, but a great will to overcome them.
-26 Square Mars - Lilith
Power trips, difficulties standing back from a situation or being objective. Dealing with unresolved hurt behind an armor of independence.
17 Sextile Sun - Neptune
The Humane. Color, magic, beauty, and softness appeal. Appreciating the world of dreams, imagination, spirituality, music, the arts, sensitivity, and compassion. A sense that there is much more to what's before the eyes. Favors writers, artists, promoters, and musicians. Sensitivity and empathy. Attuned with animals, the vulnerable. Idealism. Readily finding common ground. Expecting the best.
A softening influence that helps round out more challenging aspects but isn't very grounded or practical on its own. Success is more likely with belief in the mission/product.
17 Sextile Uranus - Neptune
The Mystic. Wildly creative, with an odd but happy sense of humor and perspective. Idealistic, tolerant, and kind. Easily disappointed by those using power plays to advance. Embracing new and refreshing approaches or belief systems. An innate acceptance of mysticism.
-16 Square Moon - Pluto
Intense emotions and passionate feelings. Fearing the loss of control of emotional and domestic matters/change and, at the same time, attracting change and disruptions. Provocative. Emotional scenes, jealousy, and possessiveness.
15 Sextile Neptune - Pluto
Ability to see the layers of a situation. Intrigued by what makes things work, motivations.
-12 Square Jupiter - Saturn
Discontent. Vacillating between optimism and pessimism. Distrustful, melancholic, finding it hard to know who and what to believe. At a crossroads regarding whether or not to expand or exercise caution. Lacking confidence or faith so that work or efforts feel burdensome and slow. Progress seems to come at a price. Political unrest. Dissatisfaction. Feeling stuck in lifeless routines. Stalled decision-making. Poor timing.
Possible health issues: breathing difficulties, oxygen deficiency, chronic disease, poor circulation.
-7 Opposition Mars - Pluto
Buried anger that erupts disruptively. Hair-trigger temper, the possibility of abusiveness. Must learn to react to unpleasant circumstances with the intellect rather than emotions. Tendency to issue ultimatums when meeting an obstacle. Easily provoked or frustrated by dominating attitudes in others.
Intense desires. Magnetic appeal. Coming across more aggressively than intended. Determined, with an "all or nothing" attitude. Fear of rejection, betrayal, and abandonment. Power struggles and control issues often surfacing in relationships. Perceiving the cruel edge in people and understanding its source. Self-confidence develops out of self-control.
-5 Opposition Sun - Mars
Competitiveness, combativeness, "me-first" attitude. A "bundle of energy," abundant energy can be difficult to direct. Toxic aggression, ego trips. Answering immediate desires rather than considering all angles. Strong survival instincts. Conflict, provocation, motivation. Hot-headed and temperamental, easily frustrated, and given to impulsive actions. Willful.
Unafraid of conflict. Enjoys contests. Pioneer. Meeting challenges head-on.
4 Trine Mars - Saturn
The Builder. The workhorse. A survivalist. Reliability. Determined, resourceful, and disciplined. Having strength and resistance, ability and patience. Tough and somewhat strict or insensitive. Pouring energy and talents into overcoming obstacles. Persistent, enduring, obstinate, calculating, planning, and considering all possible consequences. Not necessarily popular, but respected.
Well-laid plans. Shrewd. Powerful resistance. Serious when working; workaholic tendencies. After a setback, getting right back up again and carrying on. Slow but steady success. Tempered enthusiasm. Seeking balance. Taking time without losing patience to achieve objectives. Conserving energy for priorities.
Here, you'll find the current planet signs and core aspects. Taken together, they can help describe the fundamental energies of the moment.
This report features more succinct text than the general natal chart report, designed to apply not only to people born at a specific time, but also to current events and electing activities or new beginnings.
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