

Today's transits


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10/06/1997 04:20 - Adjust 9.00 - Julian day 2450727.31
07/19/2024 01:29 GMT - Julian day 2460510.56


SunTrineMoon1°20' 158
SunTrineVenus0°16' 164
MarsTrineNeptune1°33' 64
JupiterTrineSun0°37' 138
JupiterTrineJupiter0°08' 98
SaturnOppositionN Node0°26' -57
SaturnOppositionI ASC2°30'-202
UranusTrineNeptune0°45' 45
NeptuneTrineMoon1°39' 87
PlutoConjunctionUranus3°39' 102
PlutoConjunctionNeptune3°55' 73
929 -1365 -436

Transits of the Major Planets

The transits of the outer planets, in other words those furthest from the Sun, have the greatest influence and determine the most important events in life. The more distant a planet and the longer it takes on its path around the Sun, the more lasting are its effects. You might see these longer-term transits below for months.

The minor transits, with their rapid movement, only produce fleeting states of mind, or actions of less significance in everyday life. These will appear in your transit report below for a few days.

The information given below is not valid in isolation. One must also take into account the signs of the Zodiac and the houses where these aspects are found. The position of the planets and their aspects in the natal chart must also be taken into account.

The gift of foretelling by the stars requires a lot of work, but also a lot of tact and human feeling. Never make fatal predictions, as everyone can get things wrong.

-283 Opposition Mars - Moon

Challenging short-term aspect: This can be a time when you're very quick to become annoyed and easily provoked. Impatience can be a problem now. You can be in a disagreeable mood if you aren't getting your way. You are capable of some childish or impulsive reactions during this transit. Tempers may flare, domestic squabbles are possible, and you can be feeling under the weather. Watch that you're not instigating or looking for an argument or a quarrel. The household could be stormy now. Tone down abrasiveness. Look deeper for the true source of your irritation.

-232 Opposition Sun - Neptune

Challenging short-term aspect: If you're feeling worn out without a physical reason for it, you are likely in need of new inspiration. Remind yourself of the intangibles that lift your spirits. Your expectations may be set high such that disappointments happen too easily now.

-214 Opposition Mars - Venus

Challenging short-term aspect: You could experience love/hate feelings, passionate, irrational love, about a person, situation, or cause. You may find it difficult to control your feelings and could act impulsively. You may be possessive, jealous, or completely immersed to your very depths by a passion or feeling. As there is very little chance that others are matching your desires just for now, there may be scenes or disappointments. Your work may suffer from this situation if only your emotional life seems to count in your mind. You can be very demanding of others while this transit lasts.

-202 Opposition Saturn - Ascendant

Challenging aspect: You may not feel in good form at times during this transit. Nothing seems to go according to plan. You need more patience and calmness to face up to challenges.

This is a time when you may face obstacles, blockages, or opposition to your sense of freedom, your drive, and your ambitions. Excessive or wasteful endeavors and personality traits may need to be tempered now. You are becoming more cautious, and you might experience a temporary loss of enthusiasm or setbacks that make you temporarily doubt your ability to win in life. You are learning to live life in moderation, but it may be frustrating at first as you face tests, rejections, or trials that remind you that pushing too hard or too fast doesn't always yield the results you crave. It's time to slow down a little, catch your breath, experience some defeats, all in order to come back stronger, more controlled, directed, and mature in your expectations and approach to the world.

-193 Opposition Uranus - Moon

Challenging longer-term aspect: There can be big changes in your life, which may, at first, feel unwelcome or sudden. You are inclined to be on edge, exasperated, or beside yourself. You may also exasperate your personal circle with your impatience and edginess!

On the work front, things may not be going as expected. In your emotional life, there can be some conflicts. A partnership may be strained. The emotional war that is taking place within you can take its toll on those close to you.

Separations can suddenly occur from emotional bonds. In some cases, there can be temporary removal or separations from the home or neighborhood. If removals are permanent, they allow you the freedom of being on your own. Divorces and incidents of romantic disappointments and failure are possible now, and if they do occur, it's important to find a release for the pent-up energy you may be carrying around with you. Aim to be prepared, wide awake, and alert, and watch for temper tantrums.

You may not care (at this time) about anything but being free, no matter what form it takes, and the people around you may see severe mood changes in you. It is probably wise to avoid large purchases, as something can be here today and gone tomorrow or uninteresting later. Those things that have happened in the past can pop up and bring some very unpredictable emotional explosions now, and secret unfulfilled desires are awakened for your attention. In romance and partnership, there can be disruptions.

Elements in your life that have become rote, boring, stale, and unsupportive of your growth are now hard to take. You want to feel alive, but you may not know how to achieve this without some time taken for reflection.

Strategies: You may need more private space or room to explore your newly awakened feelings. Remind yourself of who and what you love, and ground yourself with earthy activities. Treat yourself with care.

-184 Opposition Uranus - Venus

Challenging, longer-term aspect: This is a transit that can last for many months. This transit often brings with it a breakdown or a separation. You may have an amorous adventure, and a relationship may be stormy and exciting, but not necessarily long-lasting.

You may overspend, and may well have money problems, possibly experiencing ups and downs with money, but more likely, changeable desires and impulse purchases.

Feelings of detachment romantically or sudden love temptations can arise to test you now and most probably both detachment and temptation will greet you alternately or even at the same time, which can make life very interesting and confusing!

New and interesting acquaintances can develop now, or someone new may charm you, and renewed soul contacts can be reestablished. Your intuition is strong at this time and you may want to spend more time discovering yourself.

For some, unfaithfulness is now an issue or this is a very demanding time for love when ultimatums can be given. Old relationships can end and new ones can begin just as quickly.

This is often a less than desirable time for money, taxes, and insurance. Disappointments can come through relationship breakups and hurt feelings. You could very well be the one who is hurting someone's feelings. Make some changes in your present circumstances if you can, although this can be an unsettling or simply on-edge time for emotions and affections.

Vacation plans can go awry and unanticipated circumstances can bring separations. Contracts and agreements can easily be broken and you may be attracted to everything different or unusual in life, although they aren't always good for you.

Short-lived relationships can easily begin now. Physical attractions to others are strong. By the end of this transit, the way you look at money, what you spend money on, and what you need in your life--versus what you don't-- will become much clearer. During the course of the transit, you can be the guinea pig! It's an experimental time. Watch that you don't make people in your life guinea pigs, too. Be clear.

You can experience a strong restlessness now, feeling plagued by the inability to appreciate the usual pleasures or get satisfaction from life.

A need for freedom, openness, and excitement fills you and can bring very unpredictable results. Unreliable people now seem to be the norm. With sexual and emotional expression, you're more uninhibited than usual or you seem to draw in unconventional people to your life. Impulse spending or unexpected expenses can figure strongly. This can be an unfavorable time for dealings with banks.

You want to find new meaning in your life through leisure activities and/or romance. A strong streak of independence can overcome you during this time, upsetting the status quo in your life, and particularly in your relationships. What you previously valued may no longer do it for you. You have far less tolerance for limiting, confining, and restrictive circumstances and people. Positively, you can make some needed changes in your life. You can be creatively inspired and your experiments in creativity and self-expression can open up possibilities. Watch, however, for overly rebellious behavior and insensitivity towards others. Sometimes this energy is experienced in such a way that changes in a relationship seem forced upon you. Keep in mind that you cannot force anyone to do anything, and it's better to give others freedom if they are looking for it.

Strategies: Avoid extreme solutions to regular problems. Aim for more self-awareness and understand your need for change.

164 Trine Sun - Venus

Positive short-term aspect: A time for enjoying yourself and for being more aware of your affections.

158 Trine Sun - Moon

Positive short-term aspect: This time of year often brings you smooth, easy energy and perhaps some pleasant news or developments in your personal life, with family, or related to the home. People are a little friendlier, and life seems more doable.

138 Trine Jupiter - Sun

Flowing longer-term aspect: Sometimes, unexpected windfalls come during this transit, but opportunities must be identified and seized. Reasonable investments are generally favored at this time, but it's a good idea to factor in the condition of the natal Sun, as well as the nature of other transits occurring at the same time. If the Sun is challenged, you may not have the best judgment at this time.

It's an excellent time to start new long-term projects. You might find that you feel more vital, confident, and optimistic about the future at this time. It's a good time to resolve conflicts. Events may give your ego a boost, and you could be feeling quite vital and alive. Take advantage of this by promoting yourself or putting yourself "out there."

As you prepare for this transit, consider whether you want to begin a new long-term project, and try to launch it at the time of the transit (assuming there are not very prohibitive concurrent transits). Ego gratification is the theme of this transit. This is the start of a "new you" -- a more confident and faithful person.

Short Description: You are in top form, really healthy, in good spirits. You are full of get up and go, your professional affairs pose no difficulty. Problems resolve with alarming ease. Your good mood, your optimism, your good-heartedness help you and bring you the protection of influential people.

102 Conjunction Pluto - Uranus

Positive long-term aspect: You are inclined to create something original, novel, and singular during this period. Old habits and hangups are left behind as you embrace a new and improved lifestyle. You may develop or increase your interest in alternative health and mind-body methods or disciplines. Changes made now are significant and even sweeping but gradual so that they feel right and comfortable.

98 Trine Jupiter - Jupiter

Positive longer-term aspect: You seem to have a lot of luck. You may meet pleasant people who are fun to be with, or there are happier pastimes and moments. You are good-humored, optimistic, funny, attractive, delighted, radiant, and lively. Your professional life is easier, or at least, goes along with fewer complications. Success comes more readily and there can be some material rewards, a money boost, or a significant gift/bonus. You may take advantage of this by improving comfort levels. You have a sense that helps you grab opportunities.

87 Trine Neptune - Moon

Positive long-term aspect: You are enjoying a period when dreams shall be king! You may spend a lot of time dreaming. Your imagination, by day and by night, knows few limits. You may not achieve very much in a literal level; this is more a time of reflection. You are more intuitive and sensitive. You seek peace and quiet to devote yourself to your dreams.

This is a time for exploring your creative, imaginative, romantic, idealistic, and artistic needs. You are more sensitive, compassionate, psychic, forgiving, imaginative, aware, and intuitive. These things open up new opportunities for expressing yourself creatively and imaginatively, as well as for healing. Your whims are fanciful. The trine and sextile feel more subtle and flowing, while the conjunction can be more intense and initially confusing.

73 Conjunction Pluto - Neptune

Positive long-term aspect: You find it hard to stand any constraint at this time. A rebirth can happen now as you re-examine your beliefs, dreams, and dependencies. You are seeking more than the ordinary. You're discovering the power of your intuition, and creative insight increases. Letting go of dreams that are no longer serving you well can be liberating.

64 Trine Mars - Neptune

Positive shorter-term aspect: You can try hard to put your ideas into operation, and dreams can become reality. You can be attracted to travel by sea, creative arts, water sports, or those things that are out-of-the-ordinary, taking pleasure in the company of unusual people.

45 Trine Uranus - Neptune

Positive long-term aspect: Your faith in yourself and reduced materialism helps you during this transit that can last several months. Intuition and inspiration serve you well. Spirituality can be awakened in enlightening ways.

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Astrological transits are cyclical and should always be adapted sensibly to what's going on in your life and the world.

About the Transit Report

This report is designed to show and interpret transits that are within orb on a particular day at the time of day of your visit. The table reflects transits in effect at the specified time in GMT. Some influences come and go on the same day, while others can stick with you for days, months, and even years.

Why do values and orbs change for a particular day? This is because transits keep moving--they don't freeze from midnight one day to midnight the next. Some faster-moving planets, especially the Moon, move into or out of orb on the same day. The above transits are a snapshot at the current time of day.


What do the numbers next to the transit names mean?

The column entitled "Worth" assigns a positive or negative value to each transit. These numbers also appear next to the transit interpretations and are part of a weighting system designed to quantify the relative strength of an aspect. The larger the number, the stronger we expect that transit to be.

With this weighting system, a positive value/worth is considered harmonious, and a negative value is considered challenging. Factors that determine the Worth value are the nature of the planets, aspects, and the orb of influence.

For example, a weight (or worth) of 35 suggests the transit is a harmonious influence of moderate strength. A weight of 420 indicates the transit is quite strong and harmonious. If you see a worth of -10, the transit is relatively weak and disharmonious.

On the other hand, "Orb" values are the exact distance in degrees away from a transit's exactitude. The larger the orb value, the weaker an aspect is. Put another way, the larger the orb value, the greater the distance an aspect is from being exact. An orb of 0°00' is exact, and an aspect with an orb of less than 1 degree (that is, from 0°00' to 0°59') is considered strong. Thus the smaller the orb value, the stronger and more influential the aspect is.


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