

Today's transits


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05/27/1977 16:32 - Adjust -4.00 - Julian day 2443291.36
07/03/2024 03:43 GMT - Julian day 2460494.65


SunSextileMercury0°01' 359
MoonConjunctionSun0°21' 733
MoonConjunctionLilith2°54' 255
VenusConjunctionX MC2°19' 215
MarsSextileX MC0°18' 113
JupiterConjunctionSun2°16' 464
JupiterConjunctionJupiter3°13' 272
UranusTrineMoon1°54' 91
2502 -274 2228

Transits of the Major Planets

The transits of the outer planets, in other words those furthest from the Sun, have the greatest influence and determine the most important events in life. The more distant a planet and the longer it takes on its path around the Sun, the more lasting are its effects. You might see these longer-term transits below for months.

The minor transits, with their rapid movement, only produce fleeting states of mind, or actions of less significance in everyday life. These will appear in your transit report below for a few days.

The information given below is not valid in isolation. One must also take into account the signs of the Zodiac and the houses where these aspects are found. The position of the planets and their aspects in the natal chart must also be taken into account.

The gift of foretelling by the stars requires a lot of work, but also a lot of tact and human feeling. Never make fatal predictions, as everyone can get things wrong.

733 Conjunction Moon - Sun

Positive brief aspect: Your vitality gets a boost. Cooperation comes easily. Friendships and connections are favored. Some calm moments are of great benefit now.

464 Conjunction Jupiter - Sun

Flowing longer-term aspect: Sometimes, unexpected windfalls come during this transit, but opportunities must be identified and seized. Reasonable investments are generally favored at this time, but it's a good idea to factor in the condition of the natal Sun, as well as the nature of other transits occurring at the same time. If the Sun is challenged, you may not have the best judgment at this time.

It's an excellent time to start new long-term projects. You might find that you feel more vital, confident, and optimistic about the future at this time. It's a good time to resolve conflicts. Events may give your ego a boost, and you could be feeling quite vital and alive. Take advantage of this by promoting yourself or putting yourself "out there."

As you prepare for this transit, consider whether you want to begin a new long-term project, and try to launch it at the time of the transit (assuming there are not very prohibitive concurrent transits). Ego gratification is the theme of this transit. This is the start of a "new you" -- a more confident and faithful person.

Short Description: You are in top form, really healthy, in good spirits. You are full of get up and go, your professional affairs pose no difficulty. Problems resolve with alarming ease. Your good mood, your optimism, your good-heartedness help you and bring you the protection of influential people.

359 Sextile Sun - Mercury

Positive short-term aspect: An idea day! You are more inclined to give something thought or to converse with others. Making connections. Conversations are flowing. It's a good time for clarifying a matter, all things considered.

272 Conjunction Jupiter - Jupiter

Positive longer-term aspect: You seem to have a lot of luck. You may meet pleasant people who are fun to be with, or there are happier pastimes and moments. You are good-humored, optimistic, funny, attractive, delighted, radiant, and lively. Your professional life is easier, or at least, goes along with fewer complications. Success comes more readily and there can be some material rewards, a money boost, or a significant gift/bonus. You may take advantage of this by improving comfort levels. You have a sense that helps you grab opportunities.

255 Conjunction Moon - Lilith

Positive brief aspect: Your feelings are intense and compelling. You are tapping into deeper desires. This can be a very creative time.

-166 Opposition Neptune - Moon

Challenging aspect: Your imagination may play tricks on you. You might lose some sense of reality, logic, and objectivity during this transit. Watch for a tendency to believe no matter who, no matter what. You may have difficulty confronting problems, you might lack strength and dynamism, or you might frequently curl up into yourself if you feel some lack of motivation.

Your social life can be affected by your temporary lack of willpower, realism, or combative strength. Beware of alcohol and drugs, and be careful around water.

Ambiguity surrounds your emotional and domestic life at this time. You can be emotionally restless, but what it is you actually want is hard to pinpoint. You are more sensitive than ever, and through the course of this transit, your emotional life opens up to incorporate more refined, subtle and understated perceptions. You are "in tune" and pick up far more from your environment than usual. In fact, this can feel very much like emotional "commotion" until you accept that the essential purpose of this transit is to open up your feelings so that you ultimately become more compassionate, emotionally aware, and devoted. As the emotional pipelines open up and the emotional walls come down, you may become more vulnerable to deception. Your ability to discriminate is compromised, simply because Neptune's energy lacks definition and boundaries. Some measure of caution is advised. Some unusual or unexpected problems with the mother, important women in your life, and/or your domestic life may occur during the course of the transit. There might be health issues that are hard to diagnose in some cases. Your dreams are likely to become more vivid, and you can be quite susceptible to mood swings.

Strategies: Seek out objective opinions from people you trust during this rather vulnerable phase of your life. Establish regular grounding routines.

113 Sextile Mars - Midheaven

Positive aspect: You are in top form, full of vitality. Your professional affairs, and your energy to undertake them, guarantee you success. This transit helps you succeed in almost every action, every deed - thanks to your energy, boldness, self-confidence and swiftness of action.

91 Trine Uranus - Moon

Positive longer-term aspect: This transit associates independence with imagination. It's a time for a creative streak. You are on a quest for novelty, originality, and innovation in your activities. You are more sociable and meet new people during this time. You could meet one person who you're very attracted to and who blows your mind. This is a busy time when your activities or routines get a boost or rehaul, and you can meet out-of-the-ordinary people.

Your feelings bubble up from within, and your sense of humor is excellent. The child within emerges. Your days are refreshed. Many of your habits or familiar routines or personal environment can change and improve. You are seeking--and finding--alternatives. Old pastimes come back.

A brighter, happier, or more lively home life is likely now. New or updated living conditions/arrangements can be a theme.

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Astrological transits are cyclical and should always be adapted sensibly to what's going on in your life and the world.

About the Transit Report

This report is designed to show and interpret transits that are within orb on a particular day at the time of day of your visit. The table reflects transits in effect at the specified time in GMT. Some influences come and go on the same day, while others can stick with you for days, months, and even years.

Why do values and orbs change for a particular day? This is because transits keep moving--they don't freeze from midnight one day to midnight the next. Some faster-moving planets, especially the Moon, move into or out of orb on the same day. The above transits are a snapshot at the current time of day.


What do the numbers next to the transit names mean?

The column entitled "Worth" assigns a positive or negative value to each transit. These numbers also appear next to the transit interpretations and are part of a weighting system designed to quantify the relative strength of an aspect. The larger the number, the stronger we expect that transit to be.

With this weighting system, a positive value/worth is considered harmonious, and a negative value is considered challenging. Factors that determine the Worth value are the nature of the planets, aspects, and the orb of influence.

For example, a weight (or worth) of 35 suggests the transit is a harmonious influence of moderate strength. A weight of 420 indicates the transit is quite strong and harmonious. If you see a worth of -10, the transit is relatively weak and disharmonious.

On the other hand, "Orb" values are the exact distance in degrees away from a transit's exactitude. The larger the orb value, the weaker an aspect is. Put another way, the larger the orb value, the greater the distance an aspect is from being exact. An orb of 0°00' is exact, and an aspect with an orb of less than 1 degree (that is, from 0°00' to 0°59') is considered strong. Thus the smaller the orb value, the stronger and more influential the aspect is.


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