

Horoscope for Birthdates with Birth Times

Daily transits for a 14-day range. Create this predictive astrology report for birth dates with known birth times.





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10/06/1997 04:20 - Adjust 9.00 - Julian day 2450727.31
07/05/2024 02:50 GMT - Julian day 2460496.62


07/05/2024 943 -885 58
07/06/2024 930 -981 -51
07/07/2024 614 -1120 -506
07/08/2024 927 -1401 -474
07/09/2024 715 -1207 -492
07/10/2024 1116 -1104 12
07/11/2024 2131 -1040 1091
07/12/2024 517 -863 -346
07/13/2024 1837 -1005 832
07/14/2024 1341 -1202 139
07/15/2024 969 -1274 -305
07/16/2024 1162 -1315 -152
07/17/2024 2369 -1500 869
07/18/2024 754 -1372 -618
07/19/2024 933 -1525 -592


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