

Horoscope for Birthdates with Birth Times

Daily transits for a 14-day range. Create this predictive astrology report for birth dates with known birth times.





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05/27/1977 16:32 - Adjust -4.00 - Julian day 2443291.36
07/04/2024 04:12 GMT - Julian day 2460495.68


07/04/2024 1294 -166 1129
07/05/2024 1219 -302 917
07/06/2024 1805 -541 1264
07/07/2024 1147 -485 662
07/08/2024 1883 -266 1618
07/09/2024 2087 -166 1921
07/10/2024 2363 -479 1884
07/11/2024 1640 -166 1474
07/12/2024 2029 -166 1863
07/13/2024 1673 -311 1362
07/14/2024 1071 -949 122
07/15/2024 1318 -407 911
07/16/2024 1328 -249 1079
07/17/2024 1459 -299 1159
07/18/2024 2211 -459 1753


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