

Horoscope for Birthdates with Birth Times

Daily transits for a 14-day range. Create this predictive astrology report for birth dates with known birth times.





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08/07/1969 17:30 - Adjust -4.00 - Julian day 2440441.40
09/28/2024 23:45 GMT - Julian day 2460582.49


09/28/2024 1728 -537 1191
09/29/2024 1629 -472 1157
09/30/2024 744 -439 305
10/01/2024 1085 -298 787
10/02/2024 260 -128 132
10/03/2024 594 -128 465
10/04/2024 1161 -528 633
10/05/2024 823 -355 468
10/06/2024 1062 -184 878
10/07/2024 1351 -189 1162
10/08/2024 1636 -283 1353
10/09/2024 891 -510 381
10/10/2024 1291 -131 1160
10/11/2024 1024 -131 893
10/12/2024 1085 -393 693


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