

Today's transits


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01/03/1978 06:30 - Adjust -4.00 - Julian day 2443511.94
03/07/2025 03:20 GMT - Julian day 2460741.64


SunTrineUranus1°24' 107
MoonTrineMoon1°40' 142
VenusTrineMars1°56' 99
VenusOppositionN Node0°00'-120
VenusOppositionX MC0°54'-126
JupiterTrineX MC1°37' 40
NeptuneSquareJupiter0°24' -65
NeptuneSquareLilith0°42' -18
388 -869 -481

Transits of the Major Planets

The transits of the outer planets, in other words those furthest from the Sun, have the greatest influence and determine the most important events in life. The more distant a planet and the longer it takes on its path around the Sun, the more lasting are its effects. You might see these longer-term transits below for months.

The minor transits, with their rapid movement, only produce fleeting states of mind, or actions of less significance in everyday life. These will appear in your transit report below for a few days.

The information given below is not valid in isolation. One must also take into account the signs of the Zodiac and the houses where these aspects are found. The position of the planets and their aspects in the natal chart must also be taken into account.

The gift of foretelling by the stars requires a lot of work, but also a lot of tact and human feeling. Never make fatal predictions, as everyone can get things wrong.

-304 Opposition Moon - Mercury

Challenging brief aspect: Communications can be misunderstood. Possibly hurt feelings. Emotions are affecting decision-making, not necessarily in a good way.

142 Trine Moon - Moon

Positive brief aspect: Feelings are promiment. Life is more colorful and you are especially sensitive. Something or someone speaks your emotional language now. A better time to bond with others and to take care of domestic matters.

-119 Square Sun - Neptune

Challenging short-term aspect: If you're feeling worn out without a physical reason for it, you are likely in need of new inspiration. Remind yourself of the intangibles that lift your spirits. Your expectations may be set high such that disappointments happen too easily now.

-117 Square Saturn - Mercury

Challenging aspect: There are moments when you feel overwhelmed or tired during this transit, perhaps unable to react to events in a spontaneous and natural manner. On a professional level, many things seem to go wrong, and it is not the time to ask your boss for a favor. There can be days when the least mental effort seems painful, and you are more inclined to have pessimistic thoughts, slow reflexes - in short, it's the time to go to the Bahamas! Of course, this cannot always be managed. Lie down with a pile of good books, walk in the country for at least an hour a day, and breathe deeply. Don't commit yourself to anything you can't handle now. This will pass, and in fact, delays and redirects that happen during this period lead to great improvements.

Watch for a pessimistic outlook that may have crept on you. You can often feel misunderstood or find yourself in conflict with others on intellectual levels. More often than not, you experience communication problems during the months of this transit. Others may not be especially sympathetic to your point of view.

It is important that you examine how you are communicating with others since negative expectations may get in your way. It is very hard for you to see the "big picture" during this period. In some cases, you may end friendships over disagreements at this time, or come close to doing so. This is a time when you are called upon to examine your thinking patterns to find rigid or negative attitudes that have been holding you back from advancing. You are ridding your life of projects that no longer serve their purpose, and learning to cut out the fluff in your life so that you can focus on projects that truly matter. It's not the best time to present your ideas, but rather to reassess them, and work on perfecting them for presentation at a later date.

You are seeking truths now, and in the process, you might experience many doubts. If these are piling up fast, things can appear worse than they are. Look for ways to strengthen your life and focus on priorities.

Strategies: Help yourself relax, take off the pressure, remind yourself that you are not seeing the whole picture and things appear worse than they are.

107 Trine Sun - Uranus

Positive short-term aspect: Something excites your senses, improves your understanding, or brings on a pleasant revelation now. All things considered, it's a good time for social, networking, internet, and scientific pursuits.

99 Trine Venus - Mars

Positive short-term aspect: You might be very attracted to someone on a romantic level. Someone who is your "type" or with a strong personality can figure strongly. This is a good day to begin or develop a project, to meet new people, or to smooth over problems in existing relationships. Sexual and romantic activities are favored today with the trine and sextile aspect. With the conjunction, watch for sensationalizing your feelings. While it's an exciting time for relationships and personal appeal, decisions made now could be too hasty.

-65 Square Neptune - Jupiter

Challenging aspect: How this transit plays out depends a lot on your personality. For some of you, the most important thing during this transit is how to succeed, and to achieve your goals, you are ready to do anything. You might need to deal with deceitfulness and underhandedness in others. Speculation, optimism, restlessness, and perhaps downright foolhardiness can be issues. Everyday life seems too ordinary or boring now, and you wish to explore bigger, more exciting, and more exotic alternatives. Travelling and vacationing can be especially appealing now. In an attempt to deal with inner discontent and restlessness, you may be tempted to take foolish risks. Avoid this, as you are not thinking especially clearly now.

40 Trine Jupiter - Midheaven

Positive longer-term aspect: A time to make progress and achieve what you intend on the professional level. You know how to grasp your opportunities. You may succeed more through the support of friends and colleagues than by your own personal qualities at this time. Obstacles may fall out of your way. Your reputation gets a nice boost. A time of more meaningful work or sense of purpose.

-18 Square Neptune - Lilith

Challenging aspect: A period when it's best to lay low, to seek peace and tranquility, and to let yourself dream. Dreams can seem disruptive now, however, filling your head, it seems, at all the wrong times. This is why you need to carve out the time for dreaming. You may feel overwhelmed by routine or things to do. Watch for taking your dreams for reality. Distancing yourself from your dreams is difficult, so that the best thing would be to make some room for your imagination, take holidays if you can, lay low and channel your dreams so that they become positive and they make you stronger instead of weaken your resolve.

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Astrological transits are cyclical and should always be adapted sensibly to what's going on in your life and the world.

About the Transit Report

This report is designed to show and interpret transits that are within orb on a particular day at the time of day of your visit. The table reflects transits in effect at the specified time in GMT. Some influences come and go on the same day, while others can stick with you for days, months, and even years.

Why do values and orbs change for a particular day? This is because transits keep moving--they don't freeze from midnight one day to midnight the next. Some faster-moving planets, especially the Moon, move into or out of orb on the same day. The above transits are a snapshot at the current time of day.


What do the numbers next to the transit names mean?

The column entitled "Worth" assigns a positive or negative value to each transit. These numbers also appear next to the transit interpretations and are part of a weighting system designed to quantify the relative strength of an aspect. The larger the number, the stronger we expect that transit to be.

With this weighting system, a positive value/worth is considered harmonious, and a negative value is considered challenging. Factors that determine the Worth value are the nature of the planets, aspects, and the orb of influence.

For example, a weight (or worth) of 35 suggests the transit is a harmonious influence of moderate strength. A weight of 420 indicates the transit is quite strong and harmonious. If you see a worth of -10, the transit is relatively weak and disharmonious.

On the other hand, "Orb" values are the exact distance in degrees away from a transit's exactitude. The larger the orb value, the weaker an aspect is. Put another way, the larger the orb value, the greater the distance an aspect is from being exact. An orb of 0°00' is exact, and an aspect with an orb of less than 1 degree (that is, from 0°00' to 0°59') is considered strong. Thus the smaller the orb value, the stronger and more influential the aspect is.

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